Is Mildew Mold?

Side View Of A Shocked Young Man Looking At Mold and Mildew On Wall

Answering the Question: Is Mildew Mold?

Mold is a fungus. Mildew is a fungus as well. Is mildew mold? In fact, you may find both of these in the home.

Comparing and Contrasting Mold and Mildew

Both fungi prefer moist environments. Mildew typically grows on organic materials. It is not unusual to see it on leather where the slightly acidic material supports its growth. Mold, on the other hand, can grow on plastic shower curtains, glass, and walls. Some molds prefer cellulose-containing building materials.

A Closer Look at Mildew

Mold grows as a fast-spreading fungus with black, green, or blue coloration. Color makes it one of its distinguishing features. Mildew is typically white.

  • Powder. Look at the underside of your plants. Do you notice clusters of dirty white or grayish powder splotches? This appearance points toward powdery mildew.
  • Tufts. Have you ever had a batch of grapes and noticed that a couple at the bottom were spoiled? You probably saw a white growth with tufts sticking out. This growth was mildew.
  • Speckles. Have your leather boots sustained some water damage? Maybe you did not allow them to dry out completely. Look for white flecks around the moist areas. They sometimes appear in perfect circles. These circles do not necessarily connect.

It is noteworthy that mildew has a shallow system of hyphae. These are the connectors between the different fungi. Mold, on the other hand, has a much deeper-growing set of filaments. For this reason, removing mildew can be very easy whereas removing mold can require a professional approach.

Is Mildew Dangerous?

As a fungus, mildew releases spores. These have the potential to aggravate allergies. Mildew spores may cause sore throats, frequent coughing, and headaches. Left to grow without intervention, the mildew will take over organic materials. In the process, it continues to release spores that affect inhabitants of the home.

Your food may spoil more quickly. Counter-stored items become inedible faster. Leather purses and shoes are susceptible to damage, which requires expert cleaning. Remember also that an environment that is hospitable to mildew will be welcoming to molds as well.

Cleaning up Mildew

If the infestation is small, you should be able to clean up mildew spots yourself. Trace their areas of origin and eliminate any moisture that supports the fungal growth. Next, ventilate the area, wear protective gear, and use a commercial cleaner that can eradicate the surface growth of the fungus. It may take more than one session to remove all the mildew.

Cleaning up Mold

Mold removal is something that experts should tackle. Remember that this fungus’ hyphae go well beyond what you can see. Even though you may be able to scrape off some of what is visible at the surface, the fungus will come right back.

So, is mildew mold? It is fair to say that it is the kinder, gentler cousin. However, it is a nuisance fungus just the same. If you are unsure what you see in your home, don’t second-guess yourself. Invite our team out for a site survey and spore evaluation. We can tell you what you are dealing with and offer advice on how to clean it up. Contact Healthy Air USA today!

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