Ion Generators

Plasma Ion Polarizer: A polarizer offers overall particle reduction which includes pathogens; mold, viruses, bacteria, VOC, and odor control. It helps reduce energy consumption by reducing the need for fresh air exchanges in the building. Ions clean old cooling coils and help keep new heating and cooling coils clean. The polarizer creates charged molecules with negative, positive, and mixed charges. These molecules are attracted to and attach to the organic components of any molecules. The result is the odorous molecule is either destroyed or gains such an increase in size that it is collected by the HVAC filter. 

Air Oasis Plasma Ion Polarizers – Ionization 

  • Pathogen Control
  • VOC and Odor Control 
  • Particle Reduction
  • Cleans Old Cooling Coils and Keeps New Coils Clean
  • Lowers energy cost by reducing the need for outside air ventilation 

Healthy Air USA, Inc. can design the most effective ionic system for your home. A quality installation is critical. Cross contamination due to air leaks and or improperly installed equipment can negate everything a homeowner tries to do to improve air quality. Put your trust in a company that specializes in indoor air quality. Call Healthy Air USA, Inc. at 770-205-1710 or contact us at. 

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