Keeping A Healthy Home
At Healthy Air USA, we know that a home must have a sustainable, clean indoor environment. There are several different factors that contribute to the total indoor environment, including adequate ventilation, appropriate humidity levels, air filtration and the maintenance of the integrity of the building envelope.
Air Filtration
There is no practical means to limit exposure to pollutants outdoors. However, at least half of a 24-hour day is spent indoors, and air conditioning...
Envelope Integrity
A Healthy Home is a home with a sustainable indoor environment. There are several different factors that contribute to the total indoor environment…
Indoor Air Pollution
Most Americans do not have a clear sense of the significant health risks of indoor pollution. They also do not know what they can do to reduce risk…
Indoor Air Survey
When considering an Indoor Air Purification system, it is important to understand the pollutants currently in your home…
Humidity Control
A number of factors allow biological agents to grow and be released into the air. Especially important is high relative humidity, which encourages…